I.I.S.S. ETTORE.MAJORANA is a secondary general school, students range from 14 to 19 years old. It is located in three different towns:
1) Scordia with 17,000 inhabitants, is surrounded by other similar towns where most of our students originate from and it hosts the main school (850 students); the school is the only government school in town and represents a point of reference, a centre of stimulation of the social and cultural comparisons of the district. In the same building, there are three different school courses: Scientific, Human sciences, Foreign languages (French, English, Spanish, Deutsche )
2) Militello V.C.: this town is marked by UNESCO as a humanity heritage for Sicilian Baroque architecture. Here we have an administrative course, an artistic lyceum and a biotechnological course;
3) Vizzini, approximately 28 km from Scordia, on the border with the province of Ragusa, hosts a technical secondary school for Tourism and a Vocational course in agriculture.
Scordia is a test centre to obtain European Computer Driving License (ECDL), a certification for qualified computer operators.
In many projects, like the second year Erasmus Plus Ka229 titled “Viajero Virtual”, the ICT activities are one of the most pursued objectives.
In line with the Three-Year Plan of the Offer Training the aims that we intend to pursue with this project are:
- Consolidating the sense of belonging common to Europe and contribute to the training of the European citizen to finding common roots;
- developing the European dimension of education, notably through learning and dissemination of the languages of the Member States;
- promoting the mobility of students and teachers;
- developing the exchange of information and experience of common problems of Member States education systems, encourage the participation of young people in the democratic life of Europe,
- broadening the key competences of European citizenship by inducing civil and attitudes of positive tolerance, solidarity, respect between peoples and non-discrimination for reasons of gender, religion or ethnicity.