IES Santa Maria la Real is a secondary school with 400 students and 57 teachers, situated in a rural area. It includes secondary education from 12 to 18 and vocational training education in two levels: intermediate and upper vocational (included in higher education, we have got an Erasmus Chart).
The town economy relies mainly on two biscuit factories and Foundation Santa Maria la Real, which plays a very important role in the area. Our school has a wide experience in international projects since 1998, including exchanges and European actions (Lingua, Comenius, Erasmus, Erasmus+).
We are co-founders of Euroschoolnet2000, a network of schools around Europe in which 16 European schools and 2 teacher training colleges are represented, with the aim of promoting European citizenship and work relationship between schools. Since 2000 the network guarantees consistent possibilities for international cooperation. We are credited with a level 4 on ICT and we have got bilingual education. We send students with Erasmus grants to European countries for their three months placements. Our town, Aguilar de Campoo, was a stop that Charles V made and belongs to the Net of European routes of Emperor Charles V, which leads to the motivation of this school in participating in the project to widen our students’ knowledge of the historical and cultural heritage and to realise the relationship and influence on other EU areas and the impact that the Empire had in Europe. We intend to create a European citizenship, essential in our times, and a more integrated European society.